The Chancellor’s Associates Endowment Challenge

Endowments provide steadfast resources for our scholars, ensuring our awards will be fully funded as our program expands, and this year, there is an exciting new motivation to give, thanks to the Chancellor’s Associates Endowment Challenge — a $1 million match opportunity created through the extraordinary generosity of Sandy Timmons ’81, and her husband, Rick Sandstrom ’72, MS ’76, PhD ’79, who have been supporters of UC San Diego for nearly three decades. The first of its kind at Chancellor’s Associates, this exceptional initiative gives your qualifying endowment gift 25% more impact!
Taking to heart the phrase “ability is random — access is not,” Sandy and Rick founded the Chancellor’s Associates Endowment Challenge as a means of providing long-range support for our Chancellor’s Associates Scholars and encouraging us all to stretch our philanthropic wings. Their gift offers a 1-to-4 match basis for new endowed scholarships and presents unique incentives for contributors:
- With an eligible contribution (a minimum of $100,000, pledged up to five years), you generate a named scholarship and will be immediately linked with a named scholar in perpetuity, bringing unrivaled personal engagement with our learners.
- With your endowment pledge, you will forever be recognized as a Chancellor’s Associate in appreciation for the amplitude you bring to campus initiatives.
- Your gift will reinforce our scholarship fund now and in the decades ahead, advancing us toward our goal of sustaining 800 students.
Now is the perfect time to establish your enduring legacy at UC San Diego and give the gift of education to generations of scholars to come! To find our more, please call (858) 822-2540.
Learn more about our Chancellor's Associates who have established extraordinary legacies through the Endowment Challenge:

When Maureen Dulbecco heard that an endowment gift to Chancellor’s Associates would be worth 25% more she had no hesitation signing on. A La Jolla resident since 1963, Maureen moved to the community when she and her late husband, Nobel laureate Renato Dulbecco, joined the nascent Salk Institute. Her husband later served on the faculty of the UC San Diego School of Medicine for thirty-five years and her daughter is also an alumna. Maureen has truly seen how the university and surrounding area have evolved. “My hope for UC San Diego is that as it increases in size there will be no decrease in the excellence it offers in educating its students. That the opportunities for students to have an all-a-round education will continue,” said Maureen. A science lover and longtime supporter of UC San Diego, Maureen believes education is essential. “College years are probably the most formative years of a young person’s life. Not only is knowledge gained, but lasting friendships are frequently formed. If a student leaves UC San Diego with not only a degree, but the experience of having enjoyed the opportunities to broaden their horizons, meet new people and learn how to overcome challenges, then UC San Diego has been successful.” With her endowment gift, she is ensuring our Chancellor’s Associates Scholars do just that.