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2023-2024 Calendar of Events

 For information on current campus happenings visit UC San Diego Calendar of Events.

Chancellor’s Associates event information will be announced in our quarterly e-newsletters. All programs are free for donors unless otherwise noted. Chancellor’s Associates are encouraged to bring friends interested in learning more about the program. Email with any questions or comments. 

Event Date and Time Location Topic and Guest Speaker

Chancellor's Associates Colloquium:

Can Public Information Campaigns Restore Trust in American Elections Across Polarized State and Party Lines?

May 8, 2024 

5:30 – 7 p.m.

Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine

2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

An engaging presentation by Seth Hill, Professor of Political Science, UC San Diego. 

Partisan actors in the United States have recently politicized trust in the administration of elections. In combination with inflexible partisan polarization, politicized election administration could undermine an essential condition of democracy: the peaceful transfer of power following elections. Colloquium attendees will learn how election officials can serve a central role in a restoration of faith in democracy.

Visionary and Nobel Circle Reception

Invitation only

Invitation only

Visionary and Nobel Circle donors are invited to an exclusive celebration in honor of the Chancellor’s Associates Scholars Program. 

Please consider becoming a Chancellor's Associate donor by making a gift today.